Name: Anyriss
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Born: 1452 DR
Died: 1528 DR
Race: Tiefling
Skin Color: Dark Red-Brown
Hair Color: Dark Purple
Eye color: Dark Red
Eye color: Dark Red
Height: 5'4" [Short for her race]
Build: Petite Athletic
Distinguishing marks: Scar over nose that goes to the right cheek. Her tail is much longer than normal for a Tiefling.
Personality Type: ESTJ
Fears: Intimacy, and Being rejected.
Quirks: Asks a lot of questions, and Fidgets often.
Strengths: Superior fighting skills, Intelligent, Alluring, Seductive, Determined, Loyal, and Easy going.
Weaknesses: Deceptive, Ruthless, Cold, Arrogant, and Easily distracted.
Prejudices: Dislikes most humans.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Life History:
Class: Trickster Rogue
Deity: Sune
Relationships: Haeltyrr (Best friend)